What is SCC+? SCC15 is a rich concoction of nature’s very best ingredients to ensure optimal health of the colon and digestive system. Below is an overview of the essential ingredients

Benefits of SCC+ Enhances the health of your colon with essential ingredients such as Fibersol-2, Chlorophyll, Amla Extract, Green Apple Powder, Beet Root Powder, Aloe Vera Powder, Astaxanthin, Grape Seed Powder, Milk Thistle Extract, Psyllium Husk Powder, Probiotics and Multivitamins. These nutrients provide dietary support for the normal, healthy functioning of the colon, including regular expulsion of waste materials, encouraging the growth of friendly and healthy bacteria, and proper digestive function.

*How does SCC+ help my Body*

*What does SCC+ contain

*How many Sachets are in one Packet*
  • SCC+ contains 15 sachets
*How do I take SCC+*
  • Dissolve one Sachet of SCC+ in 200mls of water and drink immediately after stirring.
  • Take SCC+ *preferably* before going to bed
1.SINETROL Sinetrol is a weight management blend. It is formulated from natural Mediterranean citrus. It uses sweet orange, blood orange and grapefruit extracts, and their bioactive polyphenols to stimulate lipolysis. This in turn reduces excess fat mass. As a result it improves long-term body composition preservation of muscle mass in male subjects.

2. FIBERSOL2 Fibersol-2 is a soluble fibre which helps the process of waste elimination and colon cleansing. It also helps to maintain balanced bowels, support normal bowel regularity and faecal volume, and ensures healthy digestion. Fibersol-2 is able to increase faecal volume by 1.8 times and faecal frequency by 1.5 times. It is also effective in promoting healthy cholesterol levels.

3.CHLOROPHYLL The green pigment used by plants to absorb light from the sun, Chlorophyll, contains a lot of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals which help in keeping a person healthy. Chlorophyll reduces aflatoxin in individuals at high risk for liver issue. It also reduces inflammation and bacterial growth in skin wounds. Chlorophyll increases red blood cells and helps in blood cell regeneration supporting the cells to carry more oxygen. It also contribute in losing body weight

4.AMLA EXTRACT Amla berries are rich in antioxidants which reduce the risk of chronic health conditions. Amla berries are also an excellent source of: Vitamin C & Vitamin E . If you are working out to reduce your weight, Amla in your diet will improve metabolism and aids in faster digestion.

5.GREEN APPLES It is always advisable to eat an apple with its skin on. Green Apples contain a lot of fiber, which helps to clean the system and increases metabolism, thus helping in free bowel movement. It is able to do the following prevent Asthma. Green apples are rich in Vitamins A, B and C, so apart from protecting the skin from harmful effects of free radicals; it also helps one in maintaining glowing skin from inside.

6.BEETROOTS Beetroots are a great source of fibre, folate (vitamin B9), manganese, potassium, iron, and vitamin C. It’s able to do the following:
  • Improve blood flow
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Increase exercise performance
7.ALOE VERA Aloe Vera is a rich source of antioxidants and vitamins that help in the following:
  • Skin protection
  • Easy skin repair from existing UV damage
  • Prevention of fine lines and wrinkles

  • Helps with circulation (chronic venous insufficiency) and high cholesterol. Supports your brain as it ages. improve kidney function
  • Reduces body swelling from injuries and helps with eye disease
9.MILK THISTLE Milk Thistle is used as a natural treatment for liver problems.
  • It’s also able to provide heart benefits by lowering cholesterol levels.
  • It prevents Age-Related Decline in brain function, and able to protect the bones.
  • Boost breast milk production.
10.PSYLLIUM HUSK Psyllium Husk is a bulk-forming as result it helps:
  • Soak up water in the gut and make bowel movements much easier.
  • Promotes regularity and overall digestive health.
  • Treats diarrhoea, and able to lower cholesterol levels
  • The psyllium husk powder present in SCC15 serves as a prebiotic, therefore, promotes the growth of friendly bacteria in the gut.
  • Its helps to boost the immune function thus aids to fight infection by maintaining healthy cells and tissues and reducing inflammation.