About this product:

Fleur de Sel de Guérande Natural is a premium sea salt harvested from the Guérande region in France. It is renowned for its delicate flavor, light texture, and high mineral content. Here's a detailed explanation of Fleur de Sel de Guérande Natural in a 0.44 lb bag:

Overall, Fleur de Sel de Guérande is a prized ingredient that adds a touch of elegance and flavor to culinary creations, making it a must-have for any gourmet pantry.

Bag of 0.44 lb (200gr).

Health benefits:

Fleur de Sel de Guérande Natural is celebrated not only for its culinary qualities but also for its potential health benefits. Here's a detailed explanation of the health benefits of Fleur de Sel de Guérande.

In summary, Fleur de Sel de Guérande offers a range of potential health benefits, including a rich mineral content, balanced flavor profile, and support for hydration and electrolyte balance. As with any dietary component, moderation is key, and individuals with specific health concerns should consult with a healthcare professional.


It's important to note that while salt can offer health benefits, excessive consumption can lead to health problems such as high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, it's recommended to use salt in moderation and as part of a balanced diet. Additionally, individuals with certain health conditions, such as hypertension, should consult with a healthcare professional regarding their salt intake. 

As with any dietary changes or health products, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before adding Celtic Sea Salt or any new supplement to your diet. The content on this page is meant for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice.

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