StereoTimes 2022 Editors choice award

New ADAPTER 15-20AMP with NanoFlo RFI reduction gel increases audio quality 50-100% with a single AC wall adapter powering your amp, dac or power conditioner. Any questions contact us.

NanoFlo Holographic 3D6 Superconductor infused audio cable customizable 6 Ft as reviewed by StereoTimes magazine. Reviews

NanoFlo® Superconductor Holographic® 3D6 AC cord ($10,000 MSRP): Having inserted the NanoFlo® throughout my system, I'm astounded by their sonic excellence in the areas of speed, dynamics, quiet, and noise reduction. Especially powerful when added at my Puritan AC conditioner and somewhat less powerful when added to front-end components. (follow-up in the works - Clement Perry)

 With the NanoFlo® Superconductor Holographic® 3D6 AC Cord inserted in Clement’s system, it took but one song to describe what I was hearing. That first song and the 20+ that followed sounded vastly different from those I’d heard during my recent visits to Chez Perry. Bass was bolder and more dimensional, transients were still quicker, and vocals had more body and aliveness. On one song, the acoustic bass sounded woodier and more 3-dimensional as instruments entered the stage from an immensely dense, ink-black front wall of greater depth than heard during any of my previous dozens of visits there over this past decade. The NanoFlo® Superconductor Holographic® 3D6 AC Cord is more than a cable; it’s an essential component. (Greg Voth)

ST Publisher and longtime friend, (Clement Perry), aka CP, asked me to say a few words about my experience after having installed four NanoFlo® Superconductor (NS) Holographic® 3D6 AC power cords in my audio system. Since he and I both have very similar Behold electronics-based audio systems, it would be fun to see if I got a similar over-the-top enthusiastic result that he said he achieved after his long burn-in. I replaced my more expensive, superb Anzus power cable with one 6 ft. NanoFlo® Holographic® 3D6 AC cord. I located them where I thought they would have the most significant effect: on both Behold BPA-768 amplifiers, on the Behold APU-768 preamp, and on my Puritan156 AC conditioner.

 After listening to my first familiar track, I immediately realized something significant was going on. As I continued to listen, I heard the following improved characteristics on good recordings: a larger natural bloom in the soundstage, which I thought was already at max. Further, a larger and better-focused center image became obvious alongside improved front-to-back and side-to-side depth. In addition, a quieter background was obvious, which allowed me to hear micro-details in the music. The best part of observing the above characteristics is that these improvements were easy to hear. I’m told these unassuming 6ft 16-gauge audio power cables take up to 200 hours of break-in to resolve their full potential. I wouldn’t know yet because I have a way to go in that department, but I know I can enjoy what the NanoFlo® does by simply listening transfixed for many hours. Therefore, I am declaring developer Chris Arnold’s new NanoFlo® Superconductor (NS) Holographic® 3D6 AC Power Cord my Most Wanted Component. (Dan Secula)

All discounted sales are final.

Our Prototype model as reviewed by StereoTimes magazine, are slightly less energetic than our Holographic 3D6 cables, excelling performance of $20,000 cables.

Our products are superior for one reason, we apply a newly discovered High Temperature Superconductor that only we manufacture and distribute under license. Superconductor is Patented and Patent Pending.

Gary Anderson "Bought 5 top NanoFlo. As good if not better within 24 hours on them than the Beta. These cables were sent from audio heaven. A major breakthrough in cable delivery. These cables may be in Hemingway Sigma territory."

"At 48 hours they became relaxed and smoother but at 75 they exploded with mind boggling sounds of texture and tonality. I've never heard a cable do the opening and revealing of the information on a audio file like this. It has surpassed the Hemingway beta AC cable."

The cables are fantastic because of the patented, patent pending proprietary secret gel.