United States of America -


MNH ~ Miniature Sheet !

These are Self-adhesive stamps.

Engraved stamps are much-beloved by stamp collectors, or philatelists as they sometimes are known.  So it’s only fitting that the U.S. Postal Service today dedicated a souvenir sheet featuring new engravings of classic 19th-century stamps at the World Stamp Show-NY 2016. The stamps also feature a water soluble adhesive.

The original versions of these classic stamps were issued between 1851 and 1866, 150 years ago or more, and they feature some of the most celebrated Americans, including George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Abraham Lincoln. “It’s not surprising that Washington, Franklin and Lincoln were featured on six of America’s earliest stamps,” noted U.S. Postal Service Vice President for New Products and Innovation Gary Reblin in dedicating the new stamps.  “In fact, it seems fitting that we’re celebrating them again with today’s souvenir sheet — and the new Forever versions of these 19th century classics,” he said.

This souvenir sheet is issued in celebration of the long history of U.S. postage stamps—and in appreciation of stamp collectors and philatelists everywhere. The elaborately designed sheet features new versions of six of America's earliest and most alluring stamps, now issued as Forever stamps to make them easily distinguishable from the mid-19th-century originals. The stamps are printed using the intaglio printing method, as were the originals.

From top, left to right, the stamps featured are:

George Washington stamp, first issued in 1851 at 12 cents. Portrait based on a painting by Gilbert Stuart. Stamp originally engraved by Toppan, Carpenter, Casilear & Co.

Benjamin Franklin stamp, first issued in 1851 at one cent. Portrait based on a bust carved by Jean-Jacques Caffiéri. Stamp originally engraved by Toppan, Carpenter, Casilear & Co.

George Washington stamp, first issued in 1860 at 24 cents. Portrait based on a painting by Gilbert Stuart. Stamp originally engraved by Toppan, Carpenter & Co.

George Washington stamp, first issued in 1860 at 90 cents. Portrait based on a painting by John Trumbull. Stamp originally engraved by Toppan, Carpenter & Co.

Abraham Lincoln stamp, first issued in 1866 at 15 cents. Portrait based on a photograph by Christopher Smith German. Stamp originally engraved by National Bank Note Co.

Benjamin Franklin stamp, first issued in 1861 at one cent. Portrait based on a bust carved by Jean-Antoine Houdon. Stamp originally engraved by National Bank Note Co.

The selvage is composed of postal cancellations and script from envelopes contemporaneous with the stamps. These elements are arranged on a buff-colored background with a textured look to evoke stationery of the period. An inner border reminiscent of star-spangled patriotic bunting also bears the title “Classics Forever” at top and bottom and the words “The Classic Era” on either side. Eric Madsen created the artwork for the selvage. Art director Antonio Alcalá worked with Eric Madsen to design this issuance.

Year: 2016.

The stamps are in the original packaging!!!!!