Copper Small Energy Giza Pyramid Sacred Cubit Orgone energy Healthy Copper Pyramid

Pyramidal energy is biocosmic energy concentrated in
energy center of the pyramid. It is generated by the shape of a pyramid of various
ways, arising inside the pyramid, around and directly in its very structure.
Be aware of one peculiarity: the pyramid "works" only when connected to
earth meridians (the compass needle should be perpendicular to one
from the sides of the pyramid). Only in this case she becomes the strongest
an energy generator.
In addition to therapeutic purposes, pyramids with a height of 20-50 cm can be widely
use in summer cottages, in farms to increase
yield (especially vegetable).

You can assemble a pyramid in less than 5 minutes!

Please take in to consideration that The corner and the top elements made of plastic and painted with cooper acrylic paint. The holes in plastick corners elements for tubes made in coordination with sacred geometry of Giza pyramid.
As a result of the correct assembly of the pyramid, it is stable and should be used on horizontal surfaces.

This DIY package contains details:

- 1 plastic pyramid top (top)
- 4 plastic corners
- 8 cooper sticks made from 2.3 mm twisted wire
- Instructions on how to assemble a pyramid

Base size:
597mm x 597mm

The size and angles correspond to the dimensions of the great pyramid of Giza (side length / height = PI / 2 and inclination angle = 51.8 degrees).

Creations based on Tensor Ring carry beneficial life force energy to everything within their field. To healing the body, you can use this technology to help reduce discomfort and stress, speed up the recovery process, fight fatigue, relieve allergy symptoms, improve sleep quality, increase energy levels and mental clarity, and improve the taste and properties of water. Thera are Tensor rings, Pyramids, Pendants of Natural stones in combination with Tensor ring.

Water placed in a tensor field becomes softer, cleaner, slightly alkaline and structured. This water helps cleanse the body of toxins and alkalizes it. It is also used to feed animals and plants. Plants in a tensor field grow bushier, taller, have larger leaves, and are less susceptible to parasites.

Products placed on or around computer and home appliances and near electrical outlets will minimize exposure to harmful electromagnetic fields.

When several types of cretions are used simultaneously, the effect in any situation is enhanced.

The first "Sacred Measure" - an amazing frequency that controls energies at any point in our space - is the "Royal Cubit". All sacred buildings of ancient civilizations were built on its basis. "Royal Cubit" - 52.32 cm. All these figures resonate at a frequency of 144 MHz.

The “Sacred Measure” (144 MHz) is used to charge and structure water, harmonize the space around, suppress the influence of geopathogenic zones, create comfortable conditions when exposed to EMR, wear perfectly as a pendant, work on harmonics on the physical plane with the body, heal diseases.

The second standard is the "Lost" or "Forbidden" standard, which was deliberately "erased" from all scriptures. This measure was determined by mathematical and extrasensory methods. This is the “Lost Cubit”. In this measure the radiation is very strong. The length of this measure is 59.67 cm and resonates at a frequency of 177 MHz.

“Forbidden Measure” (177 MHz) affects the etheric, emotional and mental body, working through situations, establishing relationships with people, works with intentions, awareness and karma, bad habits and excess weight, cleanses the environment, charges water. Balances the flow of thoughts, harmonizes emotions. Allows you to consciously experience feelings. Strengthens subtle energies. Great for meditation. Improves energy. Protects against destructive influences from the outside, including mental ones.

Promotes longevity and the ability of DNA to be changed through the power of thought. Helps to heal or understand illnesses that arise from emotional and mental imbalances that have been blocked for a long period of time.

Can be used as a tool to directly manifest intention. Simply speaking your intention into the ring of the “Forbidden Measure” can make a dream come true if this desire is consistent with the interests of your Higher Self. The entire power of your desire will be projected onto the ray of Light that passes through the ring, intensified and anchored in the etheric space of the matrix, as “The Forbidden Measure” contains a code that allows thoughts and desires to manifest themselves in the material world. That's why someone erased this sacred number from the records.

One more measurement is the “Strength Cubit” or Empowerment Cubit. Its length is 73.3 cm and resonates at a frequency of 188 MHz at the level of the pineal gland, frees from false programs and beliefs, activates the third eye, intuition. Strengthens the connection with the Higher Powers, perfect for meditative practices. Ideal for people who use their voice - speakers, singers, teachers. Highly recommended for use with 144 MHz or 177 MHz measurements.