Classic Tele style look neck pickup with a little bit of Warmanite going on under the covers. 

 Wound to approx 7.6k there is a mix of Alnico 5 chamfer top rod magnets on the wound string poles and Alnico 2 chamfer top rod magnets on the unwound strings giving an inductance of approx 2.14 Henries. The whole combination gives a vintage ( and then some ) classic tone output, just a bit deeper and richer on the wound strings and just a bit clearer and cleaner on the top notes. 

 For the purists out there we have also used classic fibre baseplates with chrome brass covers and cloth covered wires. The cloth wire doesn't actually add anything to the tone but it does add the the vintage vibe of the whole thing.

If you want to breathe a bit more life into a tired or lack lustre T then it won't hurt to expose it to a bit of Warmanite now , would it ?