Mars Military Figurines 1/72 Scale Wallachian Infantry 30 Year War #72081
48 figures 12 poses.

During the Thirty Years' War (1618–1648), Wallachia (located in modern-day Romania) was part of the larger conflict that involved numerous European powers. Wallachian military forces, including infantry, played a role in various phases of the war. It's important to note that Wallachia, as a principality, was often caught in the struggles between the Habsburgs, the Ottoman Empire, and other regional powers.

Here are some general points regarding Wallachian military involvement, including infantry, during the Thirty Years' War:

  1. Ottoman Influence:

    • Wallachia was under Ottoman suzerainty during this period, and its military forces were often influenced by Ottoman military practices.
    • Wallachia could be called upon to provide troops to the Ottoman Empire when needed.
  2. Role in the Wars:

    • Wallachian forces, including infantry, were occasionally involved in the conflicts related to the Thirty Years' War.
    • Wallachian soldiers might have participated in battles or campaigns alongside Ottoman or Transylvanian forces.
  3. Ottoman-Habsburg Wars:

    • The Ottoman Empire, which had control over Wallachia, was often at odds with the Habsburg Monarchy during this time.
    • Wallachian infantry might have been part of Ottoman forces engaged in conflicts against the Habsburgs in Central Europe.
  4. Transylvanian Connection:

    • Wallachia's neighbor, Transylvania, was another principality in the region. Transylvanian forces, which might have included Wallachian contingents, were involved in various campaigns.
  5. Regional Alliances:

    • The political and military landscape in Eastern Europe during the Thirty Years' War was complex. Wallachia might have been compelled to support different factions based on the geopolitical circumstances of the time.
  6. Lack of Centralized Control:

    • Wallachia, like other principalities in the region, had a decentralized political structure. The military forces might not have been as organized or centrally controlled as in larger European states.
  7. Impact on Wallachia:

    • The war had significant consequences for Wallachia, with the principality being affected by the shifting alliances and military actions in the region.
    • The conflict's impact on Wallachia's population, economy, and political stability would have been profound.
  8. End of Ottoman Influence:

    • By the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648, which concluded the Thirty Years' War, Wallachia began to experience a reduction in direct Ottoman influence.