The Parent Trap - Erich Kästner

Art Nr.: 1782690557

ISBN 13: 9781782690559

ReleaseYear: 2014

Published by: Pushkin Press

Cover: Taschenbuch

Cover Format: 200x146x17 mm

Pages: 139

Weight: 292 g

Language: Englisch

Author: Erich Kästner

Additional text: original b/w illustrations by Walter Trier

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Luise has ringlets. Lottie has braids. Apart from that they look exactly the same. But they are sure that they have never set eyes on each other in their lives.When the two girls meet at a summer camp and discover the secret behind their similarity, they decide to switch places. Everyone is fooled (apart from the dog) and, despite a few mistakes and misadventures, everything goes to plan for Luise as Lottie and Lottie as Luise - until their father meets a young, beautiful woman and things start to unravel...Funny, moving, affectionate and improbable, 'The Parent Trap' has twice been adapted for film - but the book remains one of the great classics of German children's literature.

Information of Author

Erich Kästner, geb. am 23.2.1899 in Dresden, studierte nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg Germanistik, Geschichte und Philosophie. Neben seinen schriftstellerischen Tätigkeiten war Kästner Theaterkritiker und freier Mitarbeiter bei verschiedenen Zeitungen. Von 1945 bis zu seinem Tode am 29. Juli 1974 lebte Kästner in München und war dort u.a. Feuilletonchef der 'Neuen Zeitung'. 1957 erhielt er den Georg-Büchner-Preis.