Year of issue:           2023                                                              

Metal:                        german silver colored

Weight:                     16.54 g

Diameter:                  35 mm

The "Love" commemorative coin is dedicated to the mysterious symphony of emotions that blossoms in people's hearts. An amazing feeling that has inspired poets, artists, musicians and dreamers for centuries.

On the reverse of the coin, on a mirror background, a heart is depicted in relief, from which the waves diverge evenly. The stylized composition is a symbol of sincere and comprehensive love, the vibrations of which reach the innermost depths of the soul.

On the obverse side of the coin, on a mirror background, there is a stylized rose in the form of a heart, in the graphic canvas of which the word "love" is written in the most common languages of the world, which emphasizes the universality and limitlessness of this feeling, which knows no borders and language barriers; small State Coat of Arms of Ukraine, the inscription UKRAINE (the dots above the letter "i" are depicted in the shape of a heart), denomination 5 and the graphic symbol of the hryvnia (above the rose); logo of the Mint of the National Bank of Ukraine (above the stem of the rose), the inscription 20 / 24 (below)