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This series is dedicated to all who are fascinated about dogfights and air campaigns. Hero of every tome is pilot and his aircraft. Swift plot, pilots memories, interesting  combat reports and great, often unknown photos guarantee extending your knowledge about WWII air battles…

  Luftwaffe over the desert
from January till August 1942
Marek J. Murawski

The book concerns the Luftwaffe activity in North Africa during the first eight months of 1942. The author presents not only the actions of famous JG 27 fighters against Hurricanes, Kittyhawks and RAF bombers, but also the less frequently described service of bomber and ground-attack units of the Luftwaffe, which had played important role in supporting the Panzerarmee Afrika offensives. Like the other publications in the series, this title includes many first-hand accounts and period photos.
English text, 68 pages, 86 photos, 5 colour charts with 9 examples of camouflage schemes.

English text


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