
Please ensure that your ears are clean, dry and free from ear wax and skin oil before using this product. 
This helps these silicone earplugs to form a seal and stay fitted. 

Do not insert into ear canal. 
Do not force plug into ear canal. 
Cover only! 

To Fit: 
1. Knead the earplugs between your fingertips until warm and pliable, then roll it between your palms to form a ball or hemisphere. 
2.Press the earplug over your ear canal and hold for a few seconds, making sure it forms an airtight seal. 
3.Flatten the earplug against your ear.that it sits flush. If the earplug is too large simply pinch a bit off and remold. 
If there is too much pressure inside your ear please repeat the fitting process until comfortable. 

To Clean: 
Use warm soapy water, gently rinse then leave to dry naturally. 
Although these earplugs can be cleaned and reused, 
we recommend replacing them after 7~10 days of use. 
If they become dirty or start to crumble and break apart
please dispose of them immediately and use a new pair.