Certified Grade A lavender Jadeite Jade in 18K Gold. unique design . Main stone is fine grade natural jadeite jade.

Absolute custom design. Solid 18K white gold setting. Main stone hand carved. Pendant size 26.2*9.3mm. Cute size. Second stones are real diamonds total weight 0.02carat. Bail is natural ruby .

Jadeite is the rarer and harder minerals variety. Rich emerald-green jadeite, known as “imperial jade,” is also the most highly valued. However, durable jadeite can be found in many colors which range from colorless, white, all shades of green, yellow-green, yellowish brown, brown, red, orange, violet (mauve), to blue (rare), gray, black.

Absolutely eye-catching . Wear this masterpiece every day to have the blessings no matter where you are!

Chain is not included.

Please note the delivery estimate will be 35-40 days.