This is an original antique copperplate engraving from Volume 2 of the 1st edition "Histoire des ordres monastiques, religieux et militaires, et des congregations seculieres de l'un et de l'autre sexe, qui ont esté establies jusqu'à present; contenant ... Les vies de leurs fondateurs & de leurs reformateurs: avec des figures qui representent tous les differens habillemens de ces ordres & de ces congregations" - published in 1714. ( History of the monastic, religious, and military orders, and of the secular congregations of either sex, which have hitherto been established; containing ... The lives of their founders & reformers: with figures representing all the different vestments of these orders & congregations).

Overall size of the page including margins is approx 18cm x 24.5cm (7 1/4" x 9 5/8"); the reverse side is plain.

The hand made laid paper is 300+ years old and subsequently will suffer from varying degrees of wear/marks/creasing/discolouration/staining/spotting - please review the scans carefully to best establish condition prior to purchase.

Many thanks for looking!
