
Vitamin Bottle

Organic Greek Vitamin Bottles. Hydrogen Alkaline Generator Water + Filter 4 in 1 Design Pink Stainless Steel 800mL (27.05 FL OZ)

Four Ways to Use the Organic Greek Water Bottle with the 4 in 1 Unique Stainless Steel Filter Design

 13 types of minerals in its Filter including Tourmaline, Zeolite, Maifanshi Stone, Far-infrared stone, Muyu Jade, Clay, Nano Silver Powder, Kaolin Earth, Rare Earth and more.





Instructions for Use : 


1) What Is Alkaline Water?

The easy explanation is – water that has a pH more significant than 7. The pH of alkaline water used to drink ordinarily goes somewhere in the ranges between 7.5 and 10.0. Alkaline water gives you smooth fresh ionized water that is micro-clustered and free from toxins, chemicals, and contaminants like chlorine, chloramine, heavy metals, and fluoride, with added important minerals and scrap elements.

2) How Much Alkaline Water Should I Drink Every Day?

Doctors say it is helpful to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. If you are not used to drinking a lot of water, begin by drinking 3-4 glasses of alkaline water each day (approx. 1 liter) and bit by bit improve your water infusion to 8-12 glasses each day (2 to 3 liters).

3) Can A Person Become Too Alkaline From Drinking Alkaline Water?

No. Certain individuals have been known to drink at least 4 liters of alkaline ionized water consistently and have gotten amazing advantages from it. Going against the norm, quite possibly the most well-known irregularity individuals have today that prompts medical conditions is that they are too acidic. The more acidic we are, the more significant the probabilities of disease seizing hold of our bodies. It is infrequent for a person to develop alkalosis, the situation of being too alkaline. To sustain ideal well-being we should keep a proportional pH diet that contains alkaline water and alkaline foods like fruits and vegetables.

4) Can Alkaline Water Help My Health?

Yes. Since alkaline water has a higher pH level than normal tap water, it is said that alkaline water can assist with killing corrosive development in your body and circulation system, as well as boost your digestion and help your body to absorb nutrients more effectively. Numerous physicians use alkaline water and diets as part of their medication for recovering your well-being when confronted with a clinical determination.

Alkaline water can assist with managing illness and slow the aging process, as it has been demonstrated that cancer cannot prevail in a non-acidic climate. Our general public today is increasingly acidic in conduct with regards to food and drink, as well as appalling added importance to our most significant source of nutrition – our drinking water. 

Including alkaline water will assist with balancing this sharpness and balance the impact it has on you. We always suggest consulting your doctor for in-depth personal guidance. Synthetic and processed foods, filtered and purified water, sodas, and flavored, sugared drinks are all positively acidic. 

As a guideline, the more connected by man and processed, the more acidic and supplement insufficient it will be. Scientific results have demonstrated that degenerative ailments and different conditions of medical affliction, for example, malignant growth, osteoporosis, coronary illness, sensitivity, kidney stones, and gallstones, have all been scientifically connected to a lack of minerals that result in your body fluids becoming more acidic. 

All ailments flourish in an acidic climate. Parasites, viruses, bad bacteria, and diseases can't make due in a basic body. Organic Greek's alkaline water filter can provide alkaline water up to 11 on the pH scale. 

This will help check, balance, and minimize the acidic pH of your body and diet. The results will rely on your local water source. For more info please contact us.

5) What Does PH Mean And Which PH Level Is Good For Me?

"pH" represents the Potential of Hydrogen. A pH scale is a proportion of how acidic or alkaline a substance is. The scale goes from 0 to 14, with 0 being highly acidic, 7 being impartial and the body’s natural pH value and 10-14 being highly alkaline. The pH scale is logarithmic, and that implies each score rises ten times. For instance, a pH of 6 is ten times more acidic than a pH of 7.0, a pH of 5.0 would be 100 times more acidic than a pH of 7.0, and a pH of 4.0 would be 1000 times more acidic than a pH of 7.0. The smallest of changes have a major effect. Kindly guide your doctor for more advice about your body’s natural pH levels.

6) Does The PH Level Remain Stable Over Time?

We have always tested our water, and have found the pH levels to stay stable over time, far beyond the 60-day filter period time. As the filter not only increases the pH levels as well as filters out toxins and contaminants, we do suggest you stick to the suggested filter period time.

7) How Long Does Water Stay Ionized? 

The cancer prevention antioxidant-rich water, also known as hydroxyl ions, will endure as long as 24 hours. Water with higher pH values will last 1-2 weeks. The reduced size molecules that seem during ionization, will last 1-3 months.

8) How Do I Know If I Am Out Of PH Balance? 

A few outside signs can indicate that one’s body is too acidic. A few examples contain an unexplained rash, skin inflammation, acne, dark circles under the eyes, broken skin and nails, weak hair, and extra weight. Other indications contain stomach upset and acid reflux, disorder, irritation, or irritability, food perceptiveness and allergic responses, recurrent illnesses, tiredness, and even sadness. At the point when one enhances the body’s pH balance through an alkaline diet, including abundant fresh, raw alkaline foods and alkaline water, the body’s natural protection mechanisms can work correctly and battle off ailment and sickness and naturally rejuvenate optimal health conditions.

9) What PH Level Should I Start With When Starting To Drink Alkaline Water?  

Start step by step by drinking alkaline water in limited quantities for the first week. On the off chance that the water conforms with you, proceed up to a higher quantity during the subsequent week, and afterward much more in the third week. What this will do is improve the alkaline pH level you are intake. 

There is no quantity of water too high, however significantly pH levels if not conditioned to it might cause unfriendly side effects like cerebral pains. Supporting water further with outside factors like booster drops is not suggested. 

People who are suffering, people who have weak well-being, the older, and individuals who are very acidic, may need to restrict the transformation method and remain on each level for at least two or more weeks before moving up to the next pH setting to allow the body slowly get used to the alkaline water intake.

10) Are There Any Side Effects Related To Drinking Alkaline Water? 

At the time when you begin drinking alkaline water, typical side effects may contain migraines, exhaustion, muscle hurts, a runny nose, and other influenza-like side effects. Additionally, your stool will probably be hazier, milder, or more smelly and you might encounter gas.

These side effects are a profitable sign, as they are directly connected with the detoxification that your body is going through as the micro-clustered water enters profoundly into your tissues and removes corrosive waste and poisons that have collected in your body over the long haul.

Side effects will reduce once your body has evolved familiar with the water, anywhere from 2-3 days to 2-3 weeks, relying on each individual and the degree of detoxification that the body needs to go through.

11) When Will I Begin Noticing The Health Benefits? 

Every individual is distinct, and as such, the body’s reaction to drinking alkaline water changes from one individual to another. You could begin seeing a positive reaction in just one day or within a few weeks.

12) Does Alkaline Water Taste Different? 

Yes. Water that joins the ionizers initially goes through a filter that eliminates the taste and smell of chlorine included in municipal tap water. Then electrolysis splits down the size of the water clusters, from 12-16 molecules to micro-clusters of 5-8 molecules. This creates the water taste softer and smoother. Alkaline water tastes amazing and improves the taste of coffee, tea, and juice. It is likewise awesome to cook with because it helps hydrate the food and acquire its taste.

13) How Long Does Alkaline Water Stay Ionized? 

All consumer estimated water ionizers, for example, alkaline water bottle filters are intended for quick “point of use” utilization. The water molecules that have been isolated and delivered shaky through electrolysis will gradually return to a steady-state. 

This is the explanation that ionized water cannot be bottled as its effects are brief. The antioxidant properties (hydroxyl ions) of alkaline ionized water will dissipate in 18-24 hours, the higher pH properties will return to an impartial pH level of 7 within 1-2 weeks, and the smaller molecule cluster size will endure around 1-3 months. 

It is ideal to hydrate directly from the ionizer, however bombing that, store the water in a glass compartment in a dull, cool spot, like the fridge.