Drosera, Binata, “Red”, forked leaf sundew. 

Price and shipping:

20+ Fresh seeds for $7.00

40+ Fresh seeds for $10.50

-Seeds collected June 2024, from my collection of plants.

-Seeds sprout in two weeks to six weeks.

-Seeds ship in a padded envelope, with USPS Growing Advantage and a tracking number. Typically takes 3 to 7 business days to arrive.
-I do combine shipping, and will refund shipping overages. Feel free to ask any questions.

General  plant information:

-Drosera Binata and its varieties are native to Australia, New Zealand, and Tasmania. 

-Binata Red is the smallest of the Binata varieties, also known as the small "T" form.

-Plants' leaves will turn a deep red-maroon color in full sun, with 6+ hours of direct sunlight for the leaves best color.

-Leaves can have 2 to 4 terminal leaf points.

-Mature plants grow to around 8 inches tall, 7 inch leaf spand.

-Small white flowers on 12+ inch stalks, that self pollinate and readily seed.

-Plants may or may not go dormant in the fall and winter depending on your growing conditions.

General plant care:


-Grow in full to part sun, with 6 plus hours of direct sunlight or best color,

-Under grow lights for 8 - 14hrs, or 10 - 16 hours.


-It's always recommended to water with rain, distilled, or reverse osmosis, soft water with 50ppm or less is OK to use.
-Keep soil wet at all times.
-It is easiest to sit pot in a dish or tray with water about 1/4 to 2 inches high, or water daily.
-Plant does not mind waterlogged conditions from time to time.

Dormancy, Temperatures:

-Outdoor growing plants usually go dormant in the fall and through the winter. Seedlings can skip dormancy as long as frost doesn't get them. Protect seedling from froat.
-Plants form a hibernacula (winter resting bud) over the winter and regrows from its roots and dormant crowns when the weather warms up again.
-Protect roots in areas with deep and repeated winter freezes, by bringing plants into an unheated garage or room.
-Under grow lights plant may briefly go dormant.

-Grow or sow seeds on a 50:50 peat:perlite mix, or a peat:sand mix. 

Seed sowing:

***Do not bury seeds**

-Sow seeds right on top of your preferred wet carnivorous soil mix, use at least 1” inch or higher of soil.

-Then place pot or container in a warm, bright location, out of direct sun. Early morning or late afternoon direct sunlight is ok, or place under grow lights for 8 - 12 hours.

-Make sure soil stays wet at all times.

-Sundew seeds germinate quickest in warm and humid conditions, with temperatures around 60 to 80° degrees Fahrenheit.

-Some people like to cover pots or containers with plastic food wrap or placed in a bag, to help keep the humidity high and to minimizes fruit fly larvae from eating seedlings roots.

-Seedlings' first couple of carnivorous leaves are round to oval (see ads last picture), third to fourth leaves start to show its forking.

Links for more information:

