Passiflora Foetida 25+ Seeds Wild Maracuja Bush Passion Fruit Running Pop Fresh Seeds Ceylon


Seeds of Passiflora foetida. It is a species of passion flower and also known as stinking passionflower, wild maracuja, bush passion fruit, wild water lemon, stoneflower, love-in-a-mist, or running pop.

How to use

The pulp of the seeds can be eaten and used to make drinks.

Young leaves are used as an ingredient in soups.

A decoction of the dried plant is drunk to treat worms, coughs and colds.

To make salad, chop young leaves, green chilli and spring onions. Mix with scraped coconut, and Maldive fish. Add salt and lime juice to taste.


Soak the seeds for 24 hours.

Plant seeds 1/2-1" deep in moist, sterile soil. Keep soil temperature consistent at 70-85F.

Some seeds germinate within two to three weeks, Other seeds will take up to four months to sprout.