Eroxon comprises a blend of volatile solvents that, upon application to the penile head, swiftly evaporate. This process stimulates nerve receptors situated in the glans penis, initiating an initial cooling sensation followed by a gradual warming effect. 

How to use the product:

HELPS YOU GET AN ERECTION WITHIN 10 MIN: This fast-action gel helps you get an erection within 10 minutes.
Apply the content of 1 tube gently to the head of the penis just before sex. 
Massage it for about 15 seconds, and wait for it to take effect.


Ingredients : Aqua, ethanol (35%), propylene glycol, glycerine, carbomer, potassium hydroxide.

Side effects:

Hazards and cautions:

Do not use Eroxon® if: 
• You are allergic to any of the ingredients (listed in section 6). 
• You have been advised by your doctor to avoid sexual activity. 
• You have any disease or deformity of your penis (such as Peyronie’s Disease). 
• The skin on your penis is red or sore, or appears damaged or broken. 
Warnings and precautions: 
• Heart and blood vessel problems .
• Diabetes .
• High blood pressure .
• High cholesterol .
• Liver disease or alcoholism .
• Kidney disease .
• Multiple sclerosis .
You should discuss your symptoms and these conditions with your doctor if you have not already done so. 
Before using Eroxon® in order to ensure you are fi t enough to have sex, tell your doctor if you: 
• Get very breathless or feel any pain in the chest with light or moderate activity (e.g. walking briskly for 20 minutes or climbing two fl ights of stairs). Your doctor may need to check whether your heart can take the additional strain of having sex.
• Have ever had an erection that lasted more than 4 hours even without any physical or psychological stimulation (called priapism) or have any condition that can cause priapism. Conditions which can cause priapism include sickle cell anaemia (an abnormality of red blood cells), leukaemia (cancer of blood cells), or multiple myeloma (cancer of bone marrow). 
Other important information: 
• Eroxon® will only benefit you if you have problems getting or maintaining an erection. 
• Erectile Dysfunction treatments may not work for everyone. Talk to your doctor about alternative treatment options if Eroxon® does not work for you. 
• For most men, Eroxon® will work on their fi rst or second attempt. If it has been sometime since you were able to get or keep an erection, it may take a few attempts before you achieve the desired e ect. 
• Eroxon® is not a contraceptive and contains no spermicidal ingredients. It does not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). 
• Eroxon® is only compatible with latex condoms. 
• Eroxon® is not a lubricant. However it is safe to use Eroxon® with personal lubricants. 
• You can improve your erectile function by making lifestyle changes; these include exercising regularly, reducing stress, giving up smoking and avoiding excessive alcohol use. If you are feeling depressed or anxious, talk to your doctor or pharmacist, who will be able to provide you with further advice.

Expiry date:

This product will have a expiry of 12 months or over.

Storage instructions:

Please store in a cool dry place, away from direct sunlight and out of reach and sight of children.