Edward was born in Wigan, Lancashire, England. Previous to service he was a book-keeper by trade. He joined the 15th Battalion, Canadian Infantry (Highlanders of Canada). He landed in France in July 1915. In June 1916 he was evacuated to England and received treatment in Bristol hospital for a Gunshot Wound to his knee which he did recover from and rejoined the battalion. On the 3rd March 1917 the battalion was in Calonne when 4 members of the battalion were killed that day including Edward.

I spoke to a family member which did tell me the following

The brothers John and Edward (Ted) Underwood served together in the 48th Highlanders of Canada, 15th Battalian, 1st Canadian Division in Flanders 1915-16. Ted’s rank was Lance Sargeant in the Canadian Infantry, service number 47969. On Ted's enlistment papers in May of 1915, he claimed he was born March 1, 1894 so he would appear to be age 21, but he was actually born 2 years later and was killed just after turning 21.

John sent the following letter home after Ted's death: "Dear Friends, I suppose by this time you will have heard the news of Teddy's death, he was killed on the morning of the 2nd March at 2:15 a.m. along with another chum of ours... while leading their boys over to raid the German trenches, Ted being killed instantly right at the trench, Fred dying of wounds the next day. It was very hard luck, but a soldier's (unclear word, maybe "chance") & no man could wish for a better death, than to die for his King & Country. Well, we gave him a very nice funeral, as he was brought back behind the lines about 7 miles and buried in a nice French cemetery... The raid was like this, Ted & Fred both Srgts of my Platoon, along with their officer, to raid Fritz's (the Germans) trenches with 75 men all vols... Ted wouldn't let me go, when I asked him he said not this trip one's enough so I was on guard in a communication trench & the raid was carried out successful killing about 60 or 70 Huns & bringing in a few prisoners. As far as I can make out the place Ted struck & Fred & Nealy was a very stoney point, Fritz putting up a great fight but that did not stop them, they got in his trench...."

The 15th Battalion was awarded the following battle honours:

YPRES, 1915, '17


St. Julien



SOMME, 1916



Ancre Heights

ARRAS, 1917, '18

VIMY, 1917


Scarpe, 1917, '18






Canal du Nord



Included is Edwards Attestation Papers, War Diary, Picture of Edward and other information.

47969 Lance Sergeant Edward Underwood

Killed in action 2nd March 1917

15th Battalion (48th Highlanders of Canda), Canadian Infantry

Buried at Hersin Communal Cemetery Extension