Unicorn land snails- Subulina Octona x100 Mix sizes.

(With extras incase of accidental casualties)

Maximum shell size is 3cm so these are small land snails.

These little beauties have been happily living in my terrarium along side my porcellio laevis. They are extremely brave social snails and love to explore and eat all the time.


They like to spend most of their time in damp moss. I use a heat Mat on the back of the enclosure on one side in the colder months to create a heat gradient, I maintain a temp between 19-24c. Any colder than this and you will hardly see them as they will bury themselves in the substrate. I make up a substrate mix made up of coco coir, worm castings, fine leaf litter, decaying wood and bark chips. If you can create them a little cave near where you will put their food, I use cork bark for structures like this as they come in all different shapes and sizes for what you need, they like to have somewhere dark, damp and close to the food so they can hide when they finish eating, I then cover the structure in moss to keep the humidity high.


They eat such a variety of organic veggies. Big favourites seem to pumpkin, courgette, carrot, bell pepper, mushrooms, peas, green beans and sweet potatoes.

As well as veg I feed them, spirulina, Algae wafers, dried shrimp, dried bloodworms and bee pollen.

They will also need a constant supply of calcium separate from their food, I use cuttle fish bone as it last a long time, sometimes I crush it up a little bit for them. They will also chomp their way through leaf litter so I add this on top of their substrate.


They like to explore and travel a lot so wood and sticks are good as they enjoy travelling upwards for some reason, also they like lots of places to hide and group together. They do not like isolation. They are extremely social snails and are a brave species considering their size.

Sold as live food due to eBay rules