Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin is considered to be an extremely nutritious vegetable in most of the Asian countries. In the contrary the pumpkin seeds are thrown away in most instances. But when the nutritious value of the pumpkin seeds are analyzed, it will no longer be discarded.

1 Oz of pumpkin seed will provide the daily requirement of minerals such as Zinc, Magnesium, Iron and essential vitamins of a human being Magnesium will reduce high blood pressure and critical heart diseases, While Zinc will increase immunity of the human body.

**Pumpkin seeds**, also known as **pepitas**, are small but mighty powerhouses of nutrition. Let's explore their impressive health benefits:

Health Benefits:

1. **Full of Valuable Nutrients**:

   - A 1-ounce (28-gram) serving of shell-free pumpkin seeds contains approximately:

     - **Calories**: 160 (mainly from fat and protein)

     - **Carbs**: 3 grams

     - **Protein**: 8.6 grams

     - **Fat**: 14 grams

     - **Fiber**: 1.7 grams

     - **Manganese**: 56% of the Daily Value (DV)

     - **Copper**: 42% of the DV

     - **Magnesium**: 40% of the DV

     - **Phosphorus**: 28% of the DV

     - **Zinc**: 20% of the DV

     - **Iron**: 14% of the DV

   - Additionally, pumpkin seeds contain antioxidants, potassium, riboflavin, and folate.

2. **High in Antioxidants**:

   - Pumpkin seeds are rich in antioxidants like flavonoids and phenolic acids.

   - These antioxidants help reduce inflammation and protect cells from harmful free radicals, contributing to overall health.

3. **Linked to Reduced Cncr Risk**:

   - Some research suggests that pumpkin seeds may contain plant compounds that protect against cncr growth.

   - A study found that eating pumpkin seeds was associated with a reduced risk of breast cnsr in postmenopausal women.

   - The lignans in pumpkin seeds may play a role in preventing and treating breast cncr.

   - In test-tube studies, pumpkin seed extract showed potential in slowing down the growth and spread of prostate cncr cells.

Incorporating pumpkin seeds into your diet is easy. Enjoy them as a snack, sprinkle them on salads, or add them to baked goods. Their nutrient density makes them a smart choice for overall well-being! 

It is no breaking news that the modern day person lives a very unhealthy lifestyle. Taking into account the eating habits, the poor quality of air, chemicals used in our food and water, lack of physical activities and increased consumption of processed food has made our generation very feeble compared to our older previous generations. We are on the forefront of giving birth to a weaker, unhealthier and disease prone generation unless we change our lifestyles. APEXAURA products are able to counter-fight many of these situations with our range of products of Herbal Supplements. Apexaura opened its doors to the world with our first product, Inginee (Clearing Nut). Ever since introducing Inginee into the market and receiving immense positive feedback from thousands of users, we have increased our arsenal of Herbal Supplements by introducing many valuable additions to the list ever since. We have been able to tap into many widely available plants like Moringa (Murunga), Nutgrass (Kaladuru), and Garcinia (Goraka) which despite being easily accessible offers untold benefits which have escaped our awareness. A good example would be a grass like Nutgrass (Kaladuru) which grows easily and abundantly all over the Island. However, their many benefits have managed to bypass our knowledge and awareness. APEXAURA bring to you 8 Herbal Supplements, completely organic, which are certified by bodies such as ISO 9001:2008, ISO 22000:2005, HACCP and GMP and the Department of Ayurveda – Ministry of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine – Sri Lanka. Each product is backed up by thousands of testimonials proving they do exactly what we say they do. We also possess a range of beauty products which aim at bringing our your best self with the use of Organic and herbal products. After all, humans are organic in built and was not designed to handle chemical matter applied to the body.