Dry Senior Dog Food Small Breeds Complete Balanced Tailored Kibble 2 x 3.5kg Bag

A specialised diet for small breed dogs over the age of 12 years old. This dry food is ideal for senior dogs under 10kg to lead an active and healthy life.

Small dogs will generally reach their senior years at around 10-12 years of age. This Royal Canin Mini Ageing 12+ is the ideal dry food to support them at this point in life. It contains a special nutrient combination to support an active canine life and help reduce the signs of ageing.
The exclusive antioxidant complex can help to neutralise free radicals, supporting cell structure and helping with the signs of ageing. The L-carnitine in this Royal Canin Mini Ageing 12+ can help with weight management as it boosts the metabolism. This tasty food means that age no longer needs to be an obstacle to agility.

Royal Canin Mini Ageing 12+ at a glance: