Biotin is a B vitamin that is essential to the body. It acts as a cofactor to multiple enzymes, which help the body metabolize fatty acids, glucose, and amino acids. Though biotin can be found naturally in many foods, like eggs, fish, meat, nuts, and seeds, some people may find it helpful to increase their intake by taking a biotin supplement.
Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, is a water-soluble vitamin that plays a vital role in metabolism, gene regulation, and cell signaling. It’s a type of vitamin called a co-factor, meaning it helps enzymes break down fatty acids, glucose and amino acids so your body can function properly. While biotin gained fame as a beauty booster, it does more than keep your hair, nails and skin healthy.
Biotin is well-known for its benefits on hair, skin, and nail health and is commonly found in anti-aging creams and lotions. When taken orally, it may support healthy hair. Biotin may also help maintain healthy glucose levels and contribute to cardiovascular health. It also helps fortify the brain, support cognitive ability and mood, and promote feelings of well-being.