This old catalog is from Kapo Products of Boston. They used pods from the Ceiba tree in Java to make buoyant life preservers, swim wings, belts and cushions  for boats, and lightweight and warm mattresses and sleeping bags for campers.  I  found reference to a book, published in 1919 which gave a history of the company's development of Ceibasilk, and an example of the sleeping bag used in World War I. The booklet is not dated, but the  customer endorsements are dated 1927, and  there's a note about the use of the Company's garments on Commander Byrd's translate flight, which was in 1927, and  says "they have taken a considerable number" of the garments on the Arctic expedition, and Byrd's first Arctic expedition started in 1928. The catalog is 6 by 9 inches and 16 pages. The lower right corners of the front cover and first page have been torn off, and the pages have some light creases.