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Napoli -

Giannone, Pietro. Opere postume di Pietro Giannone giureconsulto ed avvocato napoletano ... Contenente alcune sue opere finora inedite e precedute della vita del medesimo autore. Parts 19, 20 and 21 in 1 volume. Napoli, Giovanni Gravier, 1777. circa 19 x 12 cm. 320 pp.; 2 ff., 377 pp., 1 f.; 2 ff., 274 pp. Contemporary vellum.

- ITICCUSBLE�10614. Self-contained volume with the last three parts of the large set of the collected works by the historian and jurist Pietro Giannone (1676-1748) who is best remembered for his "Istoria civile del regno di Napoli" that makes up the largest part of his opera omnia. Here part 19 gives a long biography, parts 20 and 21 several historical and political relations concerning the court in Vienna, local problems in southern Italy, the influence of the Church in Rome etc.

- Some browning, partly stained or a little foxed, binding rubbed and dusty.

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