Intricately carved from antique Wild Chenxiang Agarwood 2 feng shui bats.

You will receive both bats

These two Bats are carved from very old wild Agarwood.  Please see nicks, scratches, bumps & bruises from over 100 years of age

Most likely these bats were carved during the Qing Dynasty. One seems to be significantly older looking & more rustic.

Faint fragrance when held close. It has been  kept gently wrapped in a glass case allowing them to age quietly & emit their beautiful fumes. ☺️

These bat wood carvings are old and reflect their age.

Cloud patterns on both wings

Approximate measurements:

90 mm middle up to nose

77 mm Wide

80 mm up side

20 mm thick

48 grams

90 mm middle up to nose

80 mm Wide

80 mm up side

20 mm thick

42 grams

With tag on back

The bats are not identical. 

Shaoxing is the region in China that these Agarwood bats originated from. The white label attached to one is what Shaoxing is referring to.

The integrity of the wood is beautiful. It appears a little fragile, but they are both solid pieces. 

I think age may be much older than 100.

The bat is considered an auspicious classical Chinese feng shui symbol for prosperity. In classical feng shui applications Bat is considered a symbol of wealth and used as a wealth cure because the same word/pronunciation for Bat - "Fook" - also means "Prosperity" in Chinese

I normally ship from the US

This item is located in Mexico, which will be shipped to anywhere in the world safely with a tracking number & signature confirmation.  I package safely & securely.

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Thank you kindly 🌿🌸