Haunted Dybbuk Box- Evil entity?  Angry , unsure  -  measures approx  7" and besides being dirty has some type of fabric/lace tie, wax seal and symbols. One on the bottom we assume an evil eye and unsure if they are 3 symbols or accidental formations on the front of the lid. We do not claim to be demonologists , experts in the occult or witchcraft, or have extensive knowledge in the making of dybbuk boxes or how they trap spirits, we simply try to communicate. We stopped opening them years ago, everyone knows entities attach themselves to inanimate objects, their energy is evident without breaking the seal, and in doing that can open us up to their full potential which we wont do if negative.

We purchased this box at an Occult Oddities shop in Kingston, Pa. about 1 1/2 yrs ago. When we asked about the box , they said the granddaughter of woman who recently passed had this box in her attic. A woman of Austrian descent, known in her family to communicate with spirits,  both positive and negative. Going through her home found this box and one other in an attic corner. More of a crawl space, leaky roof and no one ever went up there. Obviously their grandmother did, but seeing the seal and wax she recognized from seeing them online what it could be and sold the boxes to them.  Not much more information was available, but looking at it, I could feel darkness. Seemed the animosity was from something or someone who had been put in the crawlspace and forgotten by the living.

We kept it in a sealed box as we do with vessels when we travel in our trunk , but I could still sense darkness.  When we got home, we let it sit a day before communicating and the first evening in our dining room, the atmosphere became heavy, the energy felt dead as if our home had been locked up and abandoned for years. Through the night, being a sensitive, I couldnt sleep, something was upsetting our energy. I could hear breathing at one point as if someone was standing next to our bed but saw no one or no shadows where it should be coming from.

As we turned our equipment on the next evening, everything started spiking. K2 to yellow and orange,  mel meter rose to .9 and our rem pod flashed green three times and shut off.As we turned the spirit box on what sounded like a deep raspy breath came through and it gave me the chills. The same breathing I had heard during the night. We asked the spirit its intent and the words "  Suffer " came through and then  " Desolate ". The air started to get unbreathable and my husband had to use his emergency inhaler getting no relief. Our daughter could hear breathing at the back of her neck. Live,  not through the spirit box and her hair seemed to move with it. She got up and feeling sick had to leave for the night. We all felt unsettled, our pets were restless and we decided we would either try another day or just not.  We gave it no power and let it know it was not welcome among us. We immediately shut everything down, removed it from our home and cleansed but the rest of the night, all of us had the feeling it was next to us, our daughter and I hearing the breathing several times that night. Was like it was giving us a sense of it wouldnt do anything to us or cause harm waiting for us to let our guard down. . We never felt the need to try again to give it a second chance to communicate. We found this tote containing some of these boxes and although theyve remained quiet where we've kept them, we would rather them go. These spirits are something we wont allow around us, our pets or other spirits among us. UNSURE of its intent or how it may react in a different environment but we suggest using caution if deciding to break the seal. I do believe that the outrageous amount of health emergencies and bad occurrences in our lives the past 2 years has had a lot to do with these items. Kept at the rear of our property but still having been in here, they have some type of connection in our lives to have caused upsets within our familys health.. Equipment in photos only shown to show activity in item, not included.

I do start my bidding at just above the cost of what I paid for my items, as to cover the costs of selling. I dont believe in hiking them up, the bidding is your decision and rehoming the items is my goal.If for some reason payment cant be made within the first 3 days, please contact me to let me know, otherwise I will relist the item.

Please note, as some have questioned a spirit not interacting with them in items they have purchased from other sellers, spirits have their own personalities, sometimes it does take them a day or two or even longer to adjust to their new surroundings. They dont do parlor tricks and if they choose to hold off on interacting, it is their right to do so. They Do Not perform on command. They should be treated with the respect they deserve and patience because in some cases it was not their choice or preference to stay among us.I can only include in the listings what we've experienced, not what we might suspect.

I do start my bidding at just above the cost of what I paid for my items, as to cover the costs of selling. I dont believe in hiking them up, the bidding is your decision and rehoming the items is my goal.If for some reason payment cant be made within the first 3 days, please contact me to let me know, otherwise I will relist the item assuming you changed your mind..

Our family has been doing paranormal investigations for 15+ years. From Eastern State Prison, White Hill Mansion, NJ., Salem Ma, Gettysburgh Pa , Pennhurst Asylum plus many more locations. We’ve collected many haunted items  over the past 12+ yrs. and at this point although I personally feel an attachment to them, we need to make room for some of our newer acquisitions. I’ll hope they are going to a good new home with someone who will treat them with the respect they deserve.

Per eBay policy I can’t guarantee paranormal activity- each individuals experience may be different
than what we experienced for entertainment purposes only.