Descrizione / Description


Riser orientabili Elite per manubri da 7/8' e 1-1/8'

  • Riser orientabili con design brevettato universale; design a due pezzi che consente il serraggio a qualsiasi veicolo con morsetti manubrio di 7/8'
  • Si possono installare su manubri di serie da 7/8' oppure e` possibile rimuovere i riduttori da 7/8' e installarli su un manubrio in alluminio da?1-1/8'; i riduttori si bloccano nei riser per evitare lo scivolamento tra i componenti, mentre i denti scanalat
  • I riser sono tenuti in posizione dagli attacchi originali da 7/8' e rialzano il manubrio di 2', 3-1/
  • Posizionamento verso l'esterno Rox per una durata straordinaria
  • Made in the U.S.A.

  • Quando si installano i riser potrebbero essere necessari cavi piu` lunghi.
    Base Color : Silver
    Base Finish : Chrome
    Denominazione Prodotto : Riser
    Diametro Zona Di Bloccaggio : 22 mm (7/8') | 28,6 mm (1-1/8')
    Finitura/colore : Cromato
    Material : Aluminum
    Rialzo : 50,8 mm (2')
    Stile : Elite
    Tipo : Pivoting
    Unita` : Coppia


      La descrizione e le specifiche possono essere soggette a modifiche senza preavviso dal produttore, a volte l'immagine è indicativa e potrebbe differire dal contenuto effettivo / description and specifications may be subject to change without notice from the manufacturer, sometimes the image is indicative and may differ from actual content.

      L'uso del marchio e del modello del veicolo in questa asta descrive solo lo scopo previsto del prodotto offerto in questa vendita in conformità con l'art. 21 del Codice della proprietà industriale / The use of the Vehicle Brand and Model in this auction only describes an intended purpose of the product offered in this sale in according to the Art. 21 of the Code of Industrial Property.



    The history of Rox Speed FX, Inc® can almost be defined in just two words: vision and family. Rocky Cutsforth grew up in a family with the attitude of, “Sure, we can do that!” It didn’t matter what it was, from building a massive grill to feed a crowd to creating products for the power industry. Rocky’s father, David Cutsforth, was and continues to be an inventor, creator and visionary. He passed these qualities along to his kids including Rocky whose passion was motorsports. So, when his feet kept sliding on the running boards of his sled, he went to work creating a form of traction. After some trial and error, the Rox Speed FX® “Sled Tred” was born and slipping on your running boards became a thing of the past. This was the first product of Rox Speed FX, Inc™ which began in 1999. Rocky continued designing more products including a line of handlebar risers that he patented. It soon became clear that Rox Speed FX, Inc™ was not just a hobby, but a business. Things were going along great for our family and for the company; however, on May 20, 2010 we were all stunned to hear that Rocky passed away unexpectedly in an accident while driving an ATV for a photo shoot. The family was in shock. Although it just didn’t make sense, this was a reality and life had to keep going. Interestingly, a month before Rocky passed away, he said to his wife Lynn, “If anything ever happens to me, my cousin Chris could come in and do my job. What he doesn’t know, he could learn, but he’s the one who could do it.” Rocky’s words proved to be true. Chris brought with him 25 years of experience in manufacturing and operations management – and of course, a passion for the motorsports industry. Chris and Rocky grew up together riding and racing anything with tires from the time they were 5 until their last ride together a month before Rocky’s passing. This, along with experience from previous work environments gave him the credibility to step into a role that was quite challenging considering the situation. Chris picked up where Rocky had left off and Rox Speed FX, Inc® continues to be a successful and innovative company. Our team is passionate, creative, and committed to continue what Rocky and his father began. It has been built on strong values, hard work and is backed by a family that rises to meet every challenge with perseverance and enthusiasm. Our mission is to provide safe, comfortable, great quality products that will enhance your riding experience. Thank you for your interest in our company – we are here to serve you.


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