"Big Brother is Watching You" / "Junior Anti-Sex League" / "Thought Criminal"

Three Dystopian Slogan Buttons

Three 1.25" buttons based on the novel 1984: "Big Brother is Watching You", “Thought Criminal” and "Junior Anti-Sex League."

Nineteen Eighty-Four, often published as 1984, is a dystopian novel published in 1949 by English author George Orwell. The novel is set in Airstrip One (formerly known as Great Britain), a province of the superstate Oceania in a world of perpetual war, omnipresent government surveillance, and public manipulation. The superstate and its residents are ruled by a political regime euphemistically named English Socialism, shortened to "Ingsoc" in Newspeak, the government's invented language.

Women in Airstrip One are encouraged to join the Junior Anti-Sex League and avoid sex and especially recreational sex (the Party intends to abolish the institution of the family, so all children will be the products of artificial insemination and grow up in public institutions); and everyone knows that all all times, Big Brother's eyes are upon them, either through cameras or through the Thought Police.

The superstate is under the control of the privileged elite of the Inner Party, a party and government that persecutes individualism and independent thinking as "thoughtcrime", which is enforced by the Thinkpol. They are responsible for the detection and elimination of thoughtcrime, and for the social control of the populations of Oceania, by way of audio-visual surveillance and offender profiling. Such psychological monitoring allows the Thought Police to detect, arrest, and kill thought criminals, citizens whose independence (intellectual, mental, and moral) challenges the political orthodoxy of Ingsoc and thus the legitimate government authority of the Party.

In contemporary English usage, the word thoughtcrime describes beliefs that are contrary to accepted norms of society, and is used to describe theological concepts, such as disbelief and idolatry, and the rejection of an ideology. Therefore, anyone who rejects an ideology can be considered a thought criminal. Not to be confused with precrime!

Wear these buttons while book-burning, while vidscreen-watching, or while exercising.

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Pin back on each button. US penny for scale. Penny NOT included in price of button. 2 + 2 = 5.