It is a long, long way from Faith to Trust in the Lord. Some people spend their whole life's journey and never get there, while others seem to make it in a very short time. There is a story of a man laden with troubles. As he walks a canyon ledge deep in thought, he tries to figure out how to solve them. As he gazes over the canyon below, he begins kicking small stones over the ledge and watches them as they fall for what seems like a thousand feet. He continues to watch as one by one, they crash onto the canyon floor. Consumed with his troubles, he kicks another stone, but this time he loses his balance and falls. He tries to grab the ledge where he stood, but his hands are unable to take hold of anything that can save him. Directly below him, is a small branch growing out of the canyon wall. He falls on it and he manages to get a firm grip just in the nick of time. But now he is hanging by his hands over the rocky canyon floor. He has no idea how long the small branch will support him or how long he can hang on. He looks at the canyon ledge where he once stood and sees it is about fifteen feet above him and that the face is smooth rock. He is in a remote place in the wilderness and he knows there is no chance of someone coming by or hearing his cries for help. He knows he cannot climb up and he knows if he lets go, he will fall to his death. As he hangs there he cries out for the Lord to come and save him. The heavens seem to be silent for what seems an eternity, as he contemplates what will happen if he lets go or loses his grip. Over and over he cries out, "Lord, help me please, please, help me!" Then he hears a voice. It's not a loud voice. What he hears doesn't come with thunder and lighting, nor does it come as an earthquake. But instead, it comes as a small, familiar voice, almost as if it were from inside him. It is filled with love, peace and comfort. Amidst all his problems, his focus changes to the engulfing love he now feels inside. The voice says, "Do you believe in the Lord?" "Oh yes!" came his reply. "You know I believe, Lord!" "Do you believe that I am the Lord?" "Oh yes Lord! I can tell by the feeling within me, that it is you, Lord!" "Do you believe that I can save you?" came the voice for a third time. "Oh yes!" came his reply! "You know I believe you can save me!" Then the voice came again and said, "Then let go of the branch." In each of our lives comes that moment where we find that merely having faith in the Lord is no longer enough. But moving from hanging on--or believing, to being able to let go of the branch--or trusting, requires a willingness to take the Lord at His word. As you seek Him, He will bring you to that point, where you are more willing to let go of the branch than you are to keep hanging on. It begins as a step by step, personalized journey with Him that is called, From Faith to Trust. This book is a collection of true motorcycle adventures where the author, a retired officer, a High Priest and Police Chaplain, travels through Mexico, Guatemala, British Honduras-Belize, the Yucatan Peninsula, the Gulf of Mexico, the Pacific Coast Highway, the Baja, and the 2010 Hoka Hey, from Key West, Florida, to North Pole, and Homer, Alaska. Through his life experiences, his police career and each of these motorcycle adventures, he is led closer and closer to his best Friend, the Lord. He now shares the motorcycle stories and the seventy secrets he learned as he rode and slept out, the thousands of miles he traveled. All together, they answer the question, What Would You Give to Never be Afraid Again.