Shivaaya is an authentic granter of wishes but using black Magick. This is black Magick in the truest sense. If you perhaps connect well with demonic entities then Shivaaya will be an ease to work with. However, if such darkness frightens you, then take a pass on her. And if you are not one to take such darkness serious and have doubts, you will regret bringing her into your home. True that she is used her honed abilities to make sure you get what it is you want....but toy with her and she will likely turn in you!

 I just would like to see Shivaaya go to a home with good intentions so no harm is done. Keep in mind that Shivaaya is not sworn loyal to anyone. She will work with anyone practicing in dark arts. Also, be mindful of your request of her, if you wish for evil, then evil things will take place! Consider this your warning!!! 

Shivaaya was from a time when she had to hide as a witch, because people feared such and the holy people made all the rules. She would have been stoned and left to die. So as she traveled to avoid detection she was instead kidnapped by a group of covert witches that introduced her to dark Luciferian Magick and she felt the pull of family and joined their coven and began practicing witchcraft non-stop until she rose in the ranks. She was devoted to her coven, practicing its rituals and activities throughout her life. She prefers to keep her death a secret because it exposes a weakness in her. 

Shivaaya has some rules. She requires that only candles be lit when you address her. She must have the natural light of a candle flame! She prefers ONLY candles to be lit when you speak with her. It should be natural light only when you work with her. When you are ready to ask for a wish to be granted, you must look her directly in her eyes. The only light in the room should be a candle. After a while, you will see life behind her eyes. The more emotion you put into the wish, the better. Shivaaya insists on this ceremony since it creates dark and negative energy.

Magick works based on the amount of energy you put into something and how much attention you give to it. This is a VERY important tenant of Magick practice!

Do not be frightened if you see her vessel move, this is her energy circulating. When this happens you may feel a chilly draft around her and energetic vibrations. She may mess with small electronics on occasion as well.


As with all spirits, please be sure to treat them with the utmost respect and kindness. Light a white candle to welcome them into their new space.  




My paranormal background is centered around my marriage. My husband is a psychic medium, it runs on his mothers side. We live in an almost century old farmhouse that his great grandfather built here in rural Eastern North Carolina. We live a stone s throw from a battlefield where the last full-scale action of the Civil War in which a Confederate army was able to mount a tactical offensive. This major battle, the largest ever fought in North Carolina. So we are exposed to much paranormal activity on a daily basis..we have many ghostly apparitions that pass through our doors! We have been working together with mostly displaced spirits since we have been married 12 years ago, but my husband has been dealing with spirits all his life. I have learned so much from him and still learning! 




~Per Ebay, I am not responsible for any paranormal experiences you may or may not have. This doll is for "entertainment" purposes only

~~~but you can be the judge of that!




~~~Packaging is very important, I want your new spirit doll to get to you in perfect condition, so I carefully package them with padding and bubble wrap when necessary for safety and comfort. I also am one to recycle a box so if you get a reused box from me please know that I inspected it to make sure it was not soiled in anyway and is sturdy...the outside may look less than pristine but I put much effort into making the inside as appealing as I can for you and the spirit en route. If for any reason there is a problem with shipping, please contact the postal service provided with the tracking to file a claim