Bring a burst of sunshine to your garden with our Black-eyed Susan root divisions, a vibrant and cheerful addition that's sure to brighten any outdoor space. These iconic wildflowers, ranging from annuals to short-lived perennials, boast striking yellow daisy-like blooms, each centered with a distinctive black core that spans 2-3 inches across. As they grow in clusters atop sturdy 2-3 ft. stalks, Black-eyed Susans create a lively and eye-catching display, reminiscent of a field of sunlit daisies dancing in the breeze. Their vivid colors and bold presence are a celebration of nature's most radiant hues, making them a perfect choice for adding a touch of warmth and joy to your garden.

Not only are Black-eyed Susans a feast for the eyes, but they also bring a unique texture to your garden with their bristly hairs covering the stems and dispersed, oval leaves. The robust and hairy stems reach an impressive height of up to 36 inches, adorned with large oval leaves that taper elegantly towards the top of the plant. This combination of height, texture, and color makes Black-eyed Susans a dynamic and versatile choice for gardeners. Whether you're looking to create a naturalistic wildflower meadow, a vibrant border, or simply to add some cheer to a sunny spot, these root divisions are an effortless way to inject life and color into your garden, year after year.