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"Delivered in Louisville, Kentucky"

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AUTHOR:  J. W. McGarvey (see brief bio sketch below)

DATE PUBLISHED:   Originally in 1893.  This edition is not dated.  

BINDING:   Hardcover

PAGES:   339

CONDITION:   Good+ Clean/clear text. No marks. No previous owners name.  

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John William McGarvey


Born: Hopkinsville, Kentucky, March 1, 1829.
Died: Lexington, Kentucky, October 6, 1911.

          Few men among the Disciples have obtained a more enviable reputation, and enjoyed more generally the confidence of the brethren, than the subject of this notice. Blessed with more than an average amount of practical common sense, and having faithfully done his duty in all the positions he has occupied, it is not strange that he should now be regarded as one of the safest and truest men in the Church of Christ.

          JOHN W. M'GARVEY was born in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, March 1, 1829. His father was born in Ireland, and, when grown, came to America, and settled at Hopkinsville, Kentucky, where, with a small capital, he went into the dry-goods business. His mother was a Miss THOMSON, of old Virginia stock, and was born and reared near Georgetown, Kentucky. In 1833, his father died, and, some time after, his mother was married to Dr. G. F. SALTONSTALL.

          In 1839, the family removed to Tremont, Tazewell County, Illinois, where he was trained to industry by his step-father, and thoroughly instructed in primary and academic branches by Mr. JAMES K. KELLOGG, a successful educator of that place. In April, 1847, he entered the Freshman Class of Bethany College. While at college he made the good confession, and was immersed, by Professor Pendleton, in April, 1848. So soon as he became a Christian, he determined to devote his life to the preaching of the Gospel, and it was not long before he gave very conclusive evidence of fitness for the work. In July, 1850, he graduated as one of the honor men, delivering the Greek speech, and receiving marked tokens from the faculty of their high appreciation of his scholarship.

          Meantime, his family had removed to Fayette, Missouri, at which place, soon after leaving college, he taught a male school for ten months. In June, 1851, his step-father died of cholera, while on his way to attend the commencement of Bethany College. He was a warm friend of the college, and gave it twenty-five hundred dollars while living, and left it a child's part in his estate.

          At the call of the Church in Fayette, Brother M'GARVEY gave up his school, and, in September, 1851, was ordained to the work of the ministry, and afterward preached for the Church at Fayette and neighboring county churches until February, 1853, when he removed to Dover, Lafayette County, Missouri. In March, 1853, he was married to OTTIE F. HIX, of Fayette.

          He resided at Dover nine years, and, during this period, he spent about half of the time at home, and, the remainder, preaching extensively over the State of Missouri, holding five public debates with various religious parties; he also collected money to erect a boarding-school in his village, and conducted the school two years.

          In the spring of 1862, he accepted the pastoral care of the Church in Lexington, Kentucky, where a large field of usefulness was open to him. During the same year he published his "Commentary on Acts," which had occupied all the time he could devote to it for three and a half years. This is a work of decided merit, and at once fixes his reputation as a fine Biblical scholar.

          On the removal of Kentucky University to Lexington, in 1865, he accepted a chair in the College of the Bible, with the understanding that only a small portion of his time was to be devoted to teaching, such as would not materially interfere with his labors in the Church. Under his ministry, the Church had reached a remarkable degree of prosperity, and his labors were highly appreciated by the entire congregation. But, finding that his whole time was needed in the university, in 1866, he resigned his charge of the Church; but, as the Church has not succeeded in obtaining the regular services of a suitable man, he has not yet been relieved. President Graham,  however, now shares the labor of preaching with him.

          Brother M'GARVEY is a little below medium size, has dark hair, light hazel eyes, and a very youthful appearance for one of his age. He is very strict and regular in his habits, and this fact explains why it is that he has been able to accomplish so much mental labor without impairing his health.

          That which most distinguishes him as a writer and speaker is clearness; there is never the slightest confusion in his ideas. He has very little imagination, and relies almost exclusively on facts for effect. His mind is well stored with these, and, in the construction and management of an argument, he uses them with great ease and success. In debate he is one of the safest and ablest men among the Disciples, and not the least source of power here is his remarkable coolness--he is never thrown off his guard.

          As a teacher, he has very few superiors. Knowledge is what a student needs; hence, the matter-of-fact man is always the best teacherall other things being equal. But Brother M'GARVEY is also an excellent preacher, and, as a pastor, has been eminently successful. He has a kind, generous nature, but is not very demonstrative. He attends strictly to his own business.

Text from Moore, W.T. (editor), Living Pulpit of the Christian Church. Cincinnati: R. W. Carroll & Co., Publishers, 1871. Pages 325-326. This online edition © 1996, James L. McMillan.



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