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Primal forests cover mile after mile of landscape, stretching through barren plains and snow-swept mountains. The country of Ussura is a raging bear, ruled by a white-haired beast and guarded by pacts of blood. Her church defies the Vaticine, and her people call for strength from an ancient goddess deep within their shifting lands. Uncounted legends lie within her borders, hidden beneath ice and snow. She has many secrets – ancient ruins undisturbed since the dawn of time, walls of fire that tower over a man’s head, and animals that race through the night laughing at the simpleness of man. Ussura is untamed, but she is not unaware. She dares to educate her peasants, commands no standing army, and relies on the tremendous power of Matushka, an immortal being that defies definition and fiercely protects the nation she calls home.