Soothing Post-Treatment Cream

This specialized cream is crafted to aid in the post-treatment healing process, enhancing collagen production, delivering deep hydration to avoid dryness, and offering comfort and relief to recovering skin.

- Dermatologist Approved
- Free from Color Additives and Fragrances
- Cruelty-Free

Volume: 15 ml (0.5 fl oz)


**Principal Advantages:**
- Encourages Skin Renewal via Growth Factors: Catalyzes collagen synthesis for improved healing post-treatment.
- Ingredients with a Proven Efficacy for Post-Treatment: Thoroughly researched and clinically verified components tailored for recovery care.
- Deep Moisturization for a Smoother Feel: Glycerin provides deep moisture to affected skin, while lipids enhance hydration for better elasticity. Wild Yam Root alleviates dryness and boosts skin tone.
- Calming and Soothing: A bespoke blend of proteins tenderly supports and calms the skin. Essential vitamins and extracts offer additional soothing benefits.
- Protection Against Dryness: Dimethicone forms a barrier against dryness, irritation, and potential damage from friction.

**How to Use:**
- Directly apply to areas needing treatment immediately after the procedure and as necessary, or follow the advice of your skincare expert.
- AFTERCARE is precisely formulated to cater to the needs of sensitive, post-treatment skin.