THE VISCONTI HOURS Millard Meiss & Edith W. Kirsch 1972 Medieval Book of Hours

THE VISCONTI HOURS Millard Meiss & Edith W. Kirsch 1972 Medieval Book of Hours

TITLE: The Visconti hours, National Library, Florence
AUTHOR: Millard Meiss and Edith W. Kirsch
PUBLISHER: New York: George Braziller
DATE: 1972
DESCRIPTION: 262 pages : color illustrations ; 26 cm. Reproductions of illuminations by Giovannino de' Grassi and Luchino Belbello from the Visconti hours manuscript. Bibliography: p. 262
CONDITION NOTES: VERY GOOD w/ GOOD slipcase. Slipcase functions and is holding well but has a big fault to the head edge with one corner peeled and tail edges peeled. BOOK is sharp but with one bumped corner.
BINDING: Faux leather in slipcase.