Tiger Eye Cabochon

RRP $16.95

Listing is for the pictured item.

Item Details:


3.1 cm


1.5 cm


0.5 cm





Tiger's eye (also called Tigers eye or Tiger eye) is a chatoyant gemstone that is usually a metamorphic rock that is a golden to red-brown color, with a silky luster. A member of the quartz group, it is a classic example of pseudomorphous replacement by silica of fibrous crocidolite.

Metaphysical Properties:

Healing eye disorders is one of the most common medicinal uses associated with Tiger eye. It can help slow the flow of energy through the body which makes the gem very helpful in stress related illnesses, but also may create an issue if you do not want to stem your energy...do not wear jewellery containing tiger's eye for too many consecutive days.


  • Excellent healing stone for adults with ADD or any type of emotional disorder as it gives strength, restores balance, relieves doubt and helps you make decisions with vision and clarity. Especially helpful if you're feeling drained, overwhelmed, or unfocused.
  • Tigers Eye helps you attract money and helps you keep the money you have.
  • It stills the mind and helps you move deeper into meditation.
  • Helps improve night vision.

This information is to be used for reference purposes only and does not constitute advice. There is currently no scientific evidence to support crystal healing.