Vintage 1976 8.75" x 7.5"

William Glen Cooking School and Cookware Shop in Sacramento, CA Booklet - Catalog

30 pages in 1/2 color and 1/2 black and white pages

With order form

Cover art by Bruce Bomberger - exclusive to the William Glen catalog and Poster.


Gloria Vanderbilt Everlasting Mugs, Corning Culineria Collection, Chicago Cutlery, Aminion Cookware, International Craftmetal Cookware, Cuisinart Food Processor, Atlantis Decanter, Kenwood Mixer, Bacchus Sawa, Le Boulanger by Amnion, Copco by Michael Lax, Copco Aluminum, Terraillon Cordon Bleu Scale, Calphalon Cookware, Sabatier Knives, Eva Coffee Maker, Chemex Coffee Maker, Toddy Coffee Maker, Braun Coffee Grinder, Timberline Carving, Romertopf Pot, Cuisinart Cookware, Vita-Saver, Rosti Soice,  Swinger Mill by William Bounds, Ltd, Nonsense Plates, Signor Cappe Porcelain Cat, The Cat House, M A Hadley

Copper cookware and many other items and accessories