holograph letter

Author: Ferber, Edna
Title: holograph letter
Publication: 1916

Description: Ephemera.

holograph letter, 2 pages, on Hotel Majestic, West Seventy-second St. at Central Park, New York, letterhead: Dear Miss Kanser:- Please don't think I'm utterly mad. Which I am. But today, after a fruitless search for a desirable furnished apartment in New York I thought of you. I wondered if one of your many stage friends or acquaintances might not have a place that we could rent for two months. We shall be here for November & December, And you know how I loathe hotels. Will you forgive me for taking your time like this? It's really a desparate situation for out-of-towners in New York this winter. I saw Rose Stahl in Rochester in _______. She was delightful. Edna Ferber.' Each sheet 9.25 x 6 inches, previously folded into thirds. Stamp on first page 'Answered Nov 4 1916.'.

Seller ID: 266536

Subject: Fiction

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