Illustrated by the beloved creator of Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel, The Little House, and Katy and the Big Snow, here is a delightful version of the tale that boys and girls have loved for centuries. The Emperor himself, his court, and his clothes--or lack of them--are ridiculous as only the master storyteller Hans Christian Andersen can make them. Fifty-five years ago, Virginia Lee Burton added to this tale of fun her own irrepressible humor in pictures and design. This brilliant new edition features Burton's original illustrations photographed anew, freshly exhibiting her lively concoction of remarkable spirit and beauty.

Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a prolific Danish author and poet best known for his fairy tales. His stories have crossed all limitations of time and space, having been translated into more than 125 languages,and have become an integral part of children's literature worldwide. A master of the genre, his stories present lessons and entertainment for readers of all ages.