Hot Wheels

Click here for over 300 hot wheels

Combine and save - maximum £3.75 postage for any number of cars or packs from any listing

Please add all items to basket before checking out. If postage shows more than £3.75 please click on 'request total' at top right of basket. I will reply with an invoice with correct amount. Alternatively complete check out and I will refund any over-payment.

Condition: Most of my collection are in great condition. Please pay close attention to the photos. Some cards may have soft corners, some may have a crease in the card or the hangar. The nature of the materials and their usage does mean cards are easily prone to damage. No returns for conditions that are visible in the photos. Please ask for extra photos if required.

Over 300 cars available across listings, including mainline, premium, team transport, twin pack, etc

European (French, Italian, Swedish)
Sets (Containers, Twin packs, etc)
Screen and Fantasy (eg. James Bond, Spiderman)