Earthborn Holistic Venture Duck Meal and Pumpkin is a limited ingredient diet for dogs. It focuses on giving you EVERYTHING YOU WANT and NOTHING YOU DON'T. No grain, No gluten, No potato, No egg, No colorants, No fillers, No by-products, No artificial preservatives. 93% of the protein comes from only 3 ingredients, duck meal, pumpkin and peas. You can't expect to create exceptional dog food unless you make the effort to find the best ingredients, and sometimes the journey to finding the best ingredients is an exciting venture. We ventured to the beautiful French countryside to source healthy, farm-raised duck for our Earthborn Holistic Venture Duck Meal & Pumpkin formula. Duck is a part of the culinary and cultural heritage of France, and so much pride is put into producing the best duck products possible. French duck farmers are committed to better suiting their ducks’ needs through nutritious diets, attentive handling and care and providing proper living environments, following strict European regulations. In addition to duck meal, our limited ingredient grain-free diet includes carefully selected, vine-ripened pumpkins from California’s lush Central Valley. Pumpkin is an excellent source of high-quality fiber to help regulate the digestive system and to help maintain a healthy immune system. Venture is focused on creating a defined diet for dogs made of superior ingredients with the and safety of your pet in mind, we only choose sources we can trust. We may have limited the ingredients, but the nutrition and palatability are nothing close to limited. Earthborn Holistic Venture products are proudly produced in our family-owned, company kitchens here in the US. Renewable resources are used in the making of all Earthborn Holistic Venture packaging. Earthborn's Plant Bag contains up to 30% plant-based plastic, made from renewable and sustainable Brazilian sugarcane ethanol.
Everything You Want, Nothing You Don'T; No Grain, No Gluten, No Potato, No Egg, No Colorants, No Fillers, No By-Products, No Artificial Preservatives.
The Duck Meal Is Sourced From Ducks Born And Raised Exclusively In France. Duck Is A Part Of The Culinary And Cultural Heritage Of France, And Much Pride Is Put Into Producing The Best Duck Product Possible. French Duck Farmers Are Committed To Nutritious Diets, Attentive Handling And Care And Providing The Proper Living Environments For Their Ducks, Following Strict European Regulations.
Made With Selected Vine-Ripened Pumpkins From California'S Lush Central Valley. Native To North America And A Nutritional Powerhouse, Pumpkin Is Packed With Fiber And Important Nutrients Including Beta-Carotene, Potassium And Lutein And Is Low In Calories.
93% Of The Protein Comes From Only 3 Ingredients; 67% From Duck Meal, 13% From Pumpkin And 13% From Peas
Earthborn Holistic Venture Plant Bag Contains Up To 30% Plant-Based Plastic, Made From Renewable And Sustainable Brazilian Sugarcane Ethanol; Our Plant Bag Is Bpa Free; The Bags Are Recyclable Through The Earthborn Reborn/Terracycle Recycling Program; Upcs Can Be Collected To Have Trees Planted In Deforested Areas