Given the horrific events in Gaza, I am offering a variety of Palestine/ Gaza related stickers that I'll send to you for free.

Stick them around your town. If it makes it even the tiniest bit more difficult for an American or two to go throughout the entirety of their day, ignoring the genocide that their tax dollars are funding, I want to contribute.

I will sell them for the least amount that eBay allows ($0.99). However, if you want them for free, just message me your address and any preferences regarding the type and amount you're interested in, and I'll send them your way.

If I take a while to respond, message me a few times. I'm bad at paying attention to my phone, so don't feel bad, be a nag, I'll get to you as soon as I notice, and I'll feel bad about it, I promise.

It's genocide. Silence is complicity. Especially as Americans.

Engage in some harmless vandalism and put Israel's war crimes on display. This is important.

A quick trigger warning: Genocide is not pretty. Some of my stickers contain violent imagery from an ongoing genocide. I think it is important that people see these images, even if they would feel more comfortable ignoring them.

With your order, you may get stickers with images you would rather not see. I don't want to force this on you.

If you don't want stickers depicting violent war crimes, tell me when you order, and I'll do my best to pull anything violent out of your batch.

Don't feel bad. If you're ordering these, your heart is in the right place. Not everyone can handle the reality of this genocide. I want to force those who say it's not happening to see these things, not those who are aware but are sensitive to such imagery.

For those who don't mind -- use discretion when placing these stickers.

They're meant to make an impact, not to horrify some kid during their walk to school. Please, just use discretion when sticking them. These images have power. Just keep that in mind. That is all I have to say about that.

And, finally, thank you so much for helping me spread these around. I can't stick them all around the country on my own. Your help is invaluable.  Thank you.