Domain Name:

www. or https:// or [blank]

Registered At: 

Expiry / Renewal: 

January 23, 2025 

This domain is part of an arsenal of approximately five hundred First Amendment domain names that consist of significant percentages of all the fjb , lgb , fjblgb , lgbfjb & maga domains that are both relevant & available across the entire internet. 

You can view most of what's available by simply plugging this domain into your browser with or without a https:// or www. prefix.

A percentage of the total sale price will be directly sent by Ebay to a variety of charities mostly focusing on helping those who are out there right now on the streets competing for basic survival with the millions of well-funded newcomers.

See ad banner to confirm which specific charity gets what. I have no connection with any of them.


With AI making site-building a thing that can be done in a few clicks over a couple of minutes, you too can do your part toward taking the internet back with these highly novel, unique domain names that can be thought of as being highly purposeful NFT's, meaning that this is a one-off collection & when they're gone - they're gone.

With this domain, you will be able to have any number of email addresses of the form: [handle]@[word].[domain]

You will also be able to either use it for a new website, or to set it to redirect to one of your own that's already in existence, or set it up to redirect to any relevant website out there on the internet.

Furthermore, the domain can be accessed with the "www." prefix, or "https://" prefix, or even none at all, like with these three, here:

Stand Up & Be Counted:

As such, by owning one of these approximately 500 domains, you are not only showing your support for this Great Nation, but are also helping do your part to thank those who helped keep America great with an internet identity that will be forever linked with helping our Heroes on the streets.

Minimum Bid Pricing Structure:

Appraisals are to be found at or by logging into & processing the domain as if it were yours.

Note well that these appraisals do NOT factor in the vast, immense power of these short letters.

Procedure Before Doing Anything:

To help deter copycat Ebay scammers, visit the domain & confirm that the Ebay username mentioned there matches my own:


Procedure While Ebay Clears Payment:

1: Setup a free account.

2: Set "Push Username".

Procedure After Ebay Clears Payment:

3: Wait for my fund receipt confirmation message (Optional). 

Send your "Push Username" (NOT your regular Username, which must be kept private) &...

5: Confirm delivery of "package". (Note: I will NOT initiate domain push until "package" delivery has been confirmed).

6: Wait for me to go through the messages & push it over. I will notify upon completion ASAP.

7: Confirmation appreciated, but not strictly necessary, as there will be Ebay messages & screencap evidence of completion of trade.

Feedback will not be posted until feedback is given.

Enjoy & have a great day!


1) No returns or refunds.

2) Caveat Emptor ("Buyer Beware") : The purchaser is expected to be aware of the technicals of domain ownership which, depending on intention, may well require separate, paid webhosting services for email & website operation.

Dynadot does not charge for DNS services, so little need to consider domain transfer to webhost before end-of-year, if at all, because pricing.

3) No technical support of any kind will be given once transfer has been made. Ask Dynadot chat.

4) Restrictions on use : A list of many of the domain extensions available across the internet, along with details of intentions & specific restrictions can be found here:

You will find that very nearly all of the domains in this collection are restriction-free, with the issuer merely requesting that the website or redirect use somehow relates to the extension topic.

Of the very few restricted extensions that are in the list, it would therefore seem, then, that a website or redirect extension that could otherwise lend itself so well to, for example, Liberty, Guns, Beer & Trump issues can only be used for email address purposes, unless handled with a certain sensitivity.

5) No responsibility, implicit or otherwise, will be taken for any issues arising out of the use(s) &/or misuse(s) of this, or any domain name transferred.

6) Errors & Omissions Excepted ("E&OE") : Items, advertisement content, terms of sale / agreement may be withdrawn, refused, revised or amended without reason or notice 
until domain push is completed, in accordance with Ebay policies throughout.

7) Rights of blocking bidders reserved.

Thank you for reading this.

God Bless America.

SEO Keywords: Domain, Internet Domain, Domains, NFT, NFTs, Non-Fungible Token, Non-Fungible Tokens, Non Fungible Token, Non Fungible Tokens, USA, America, United States of America, American, Make America Great Again, MAGA, MAGA24, Donald J Trump, DJT, President Donald J Trump, PDJT, Fork Joe Biden, F**k Joe Biden, FJB, Let's Go Brandon, Lets Go Brandon, LGB, Gadsen, Gadsen Flag, Patrick Henry, United States Constitution, Constitution, The Constitution, First Amendment, veterans, veterans charities, veterans charity, homeless veterans, disabled veteran, disabled veterans, homeless veteran, homeless veteran charity, homeless veteran charities, veterans in need, patriots, patriot, hero, heroes,.