Natural Sidr Leaves (Lote Tree Leaves)

Sidr Leaves (Lote tree leaves), are from a tree native to parts of Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Sidr leaves are specially sourced from the Blessed City, Madinah in Saudi Arabia.

Statements of the Scholars

Ibn Hajar is his book Faath Al-Baaree and Shaikh Bin Baaz (may Allah have mercy upon them both) both said sidr leaves can be used to treat magic.


Treatment for magic

Treatment for evil eye and jinn possession

From the Sunnah to use to wash the dead body

Used as a natural shampoo

Cleanses the head and takes away heat

Sidr leaf infusion strengthens the roots of the hair, treatment for diarrhea, asthma

For sleep, one of the most important uses of the sidr plant is to relax the body and nerves and help it relax and sleep. And helps the body to get rid of stress and chemical elements that calm the nervous system.

A sedative for anxiety and tension without feeling sleepy.

It is one of the most important anti-inflammatory drugs because it is considered a type of saponin and contains oleolinic acid.
Wizard for pain and various aches.

Reduces blood pressure.

Helps to get rid of the problem of excessive sweating because it encourages sleep.

Treatment for menopause in women.

Combat liver disease.

Treatment of anaemia.

Used in skin and skin care compounds.

Moisturizing for the skin.

Reduces wrinkles significantly.

Contains a high percentage of vitamin