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lovely curly cherry guitar set, Backs irregularly shaped, 8 wide at lower bout, 23 long,  sanded to approximately 0.140 thick  Sides, 32  long ,5.3+  wide, sanded to approximately .0.185 thick. Some saw marks remain, some gum spots typical of cherry. Has a knot very near the dred waist, and the right outer edge of the right hand back plate has pith related checking entering the pattern(pic 3). While this is a bit difficult to see, it can be clearly seen on the reverse face(pic 4), entering the reverse face at a low angle, so its definitely a spot that requires ca/epoxy/hide glue repair. Probably will be difficult to see in finished guitar, but will require a fair amount of skill to make "sound". I do not see this spot on the left hand plate, but think it could be wise to flood this spot with ca or some similar material to be safe.

The last photo has a couple of gum spots typical in cherry circled that are present in the wood.

So not a perfect set by any means, but the figure is so outstanding that it is worthy of the extra effort.

  Quartersawn cherry like this is very stable not unlike hond 'hog, with similar janka hardness and density, its probably a closer substitute for mahogaknee than most people realize, with perhaps a slightly sharper tone, probably due to its much smaller pore size. Its just difficult to source this beautiful.


 The shipping charges is free in the US. I will ship by either USPS or fedex dependent on cost

The edges have not been jointed, I have left them as large as possible.

 I will gladly combine items to save onshipping