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Getting to know the stars - Booklet of 12 stamps

This book of 12 postage stamps offers an artistic interpretation of the knowledge of the Universe that we have today. It takes us on a journey to the heart of the stars, observing the life and movements of the stars, the distant field of galaxies and nebulae. 

From the dawn of Humanity, man looked to the heavens. He noticed that the sky is not uniform and that some stars are brighter than others. In the visible and therefore limited regions of the sky, the first astronomers connected the brightest stars by imaginary lines and drew figures that we call constellations (the Big Dipper or the Great Chariot, the Little Dipper or the Little Chariot, etc. ) This was the first mapping of the sky, substantially identical to that which we observe today. During summer nights, in our latitudes, a wide clear band appears which crosses the starry sky, this is the Milky Way. 

Around 1610, Galileo became interested in this area of the sky. But it was in the 1920s that astronomers, in particular Edwin Powell Hubble, discovered, thanks in particular to giant telescopes, that the Milky Way is nothing other than our Galaxy seen from the edge and that there exists millions of galaxies outside our own. The Universe is not static, is not immutable. It is expanding, it has a history. 

Hubert Reeves writes in his preface to the GRAND GUIDE TO ASTRONOMY – Ed. Glénat / LIBRERIA GEOGRAFICA – April 2020: 
“When the universe has reached an age of several billion years, this process of transformation of atoms by the stars produced enough heavy atoms to allow the structuring of rocky planets. 4.5 billion years ago, the universe was then more than 8 billion years old, a star was born, among many others: our Sun. It was surrounded by an abundant cohort of stars: planets, satellites, comets, asteroids, constituting what we call the solar system. On one of these stars, the Earth, by some still almost unknown process, life appeared and was transformed, by successive stages, up to the present stage of the biosphere. ". 

Scientists' research is booming as much as the Universe is alive. 
This booklet of 12 postage stamps “Tailing to the stars” offers an artistic interpretation of the knowledge of the Universe that we have today, takes us on a journey to the heart of the stars, observes the life and movements of the stars, the distant field of galaxies and nebulae.
