Maypop Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnata) - 1 TC Plant/Plug - 2-4 inches - Edible Fruit!!!

You will receive one (1) plant/plug. This plant/plug will be shipped with the roots wrapped with damp paper towels and covered in plastic to retain moisture during transit.

Beautiful flowers, fragrance and succulent fruit are characteristic of this native North American passion flower. Passiflora incarnata emerges in late spring, but this fast-growing perennial vine can reach more than 20’ in a single season. Multiple stems arise from the roots creating a nice, full specimen. Mid-summer to fall, dozens of 3”wide flowers with creamy pinkish-lavender petals and fully banded corollas appear daily, and they have a sweet fragrance. This is the hardiest of the passion flowers since it grows as far north as New England. ‘Maypop’ must be cross pollinated with another hardy passion flower to produce fruit. Passion flower tincture or tea is used in herbal medicine to help relieve anxiety and promote sleep.

How to Grow Maypops

If you are thinking of growing maypops, you’ll be pleased to hear that this native vine doesn’t need tending with kid gloves. If you live in USDA plant hardiness zones 5 through 9, it should be a snap. Maypop vine care is easy if you grow it in well-drained soil in a site that gets some sun. Full sun is fine, but part sun will also work well. The soil can be average since the plant is not demanding. Once your vine is established, you won’t have much maypop passion flower care to worry about. The vine needs some irrigation in dry weather, but it is also tolerant of drought. Keep the moisture in the soil and the roots cool by spreading a loose mulch over the soil. In good conditions, the plants spread and thrive. Providing a trellis or similar structure for the vine to climb will help keep the plant from sprawling all over.