Gumbri Gnawa is a style of music that originated in Morocco and is associated with the Gnawa people, who are descendants of former slaves and soldiers from West Africa. The gumbri is a three-stringed bass instrument that is central to the Gnawa musical tradition, and it is typically played along with a krakebs (metal castanets) and a guembri (a smaller stringed instrument).

~Gnawa music is known for its trance-like rhythms and repetitive melodies, which are believed to induce a state of spiritual possession in both the musicians and the audience. The music has its roots in the religious rituals of the Gnawa people, who use it to communicate with the spirits and seek healing and protection.

~In recent years, Gnawa music has gained popularity beyond Morocco and has been embraced by musicians and audiences around the world. Today, it is often blended with other styles of music, such as jazz, blues, and rock, to create new and innovative sounds.

measure : Length: 110 cm------43,30inch
                   Width: 16 cm --------7.87   inch

ps: If you have any questions/would like more information or you are unsure of the size please do not hesitate to ask. We are here to help