This sale is for 5 new mitre impel training balls size 4

A perfect entry level training ball for young and enthusiastic footballers.. and let's face you will need them as the kids will forever be kicking them under cars and into thorny bushes and ditches.  As that is what kids do... And you will be like, for crying out loud kids... Do you know how much those balls cost???!?.  I speak from experience ....

These balls will be sent deflated, a bit like you after one of your kids, kicks it in his own net, or just stands there picking grass, as the opposition whistle by, looking like Maradona, and you can't quite work out why the 7 year old picking their nose in front of you, doesn't understand terminology like, gamble, attack the second ball and third kid runners.  I know right, how do they not understand... 🤔⚽

Will be sent in a box, maybe you can recycle the box to put all your hopes and dreams in, of ever winning another game. ,⚽😉😂