Simon Drew UK Artist SIGNED PRINT Fridge Over Troubled Water London 1990's OOP

Simon Drew UK Artist SIGNED PRINT Fridge Over Troubled Water London 1990's OOP

International Art Signed by Simon Drew...  from Saturday's Toys presents...  an original print on archival paper stock from the studio of Simon Drew; as previously offered through the Chris Beetle Gallery near Buckingham Palace in London.

  • Title:  Fridge Over Troubled Water
  • Features:  Signed by the artist in pencil
  • Size:  11" x 15"
  • Availability:  Out of print; no longer offered except on secondary market. Seldom found in this excellent condition.
  • Circa:  1990's

Artist Bio:

Simon Drew (b. 1952) was educated at Bradfield College, Berkshire.  He studied Zoology at Exeter University, and later studied teaching at Reading University. In 1981, he opened his own gallery in Dartmouth, Devon.  Simon has been producing pen and ink drawings in his inimitable, quirky style ever since.

The artist has been featured in art exhibitions throughout the UK as well as in the USA at both Cape Cod and Chicago.

 He enjoys portraying everyday objects and animals in environments where one would never expect to find them: hens on breakfast tables; runner ducks in Indian headdresses; and birds bunched together in the shape of an apple. His zoological training makes him keen to depict animals with biological accuracy and his own whimsical flair.

Offbeat humor, a sense of the ridiculous and the incongruities in the natural world while attending to meticulous detail are combined to inform his unique artistic style.

Saturday’s Toys and Collectibles was founded in 1994 by Southern California author and media historian, Dave Mason. Soon after eBay's launch the following year, Saturday's Toys was among the first online specialists to strategize in embracing this rapidly developing technology. Having delivered over 15,000 coveted treasures since that time, Saturday's Toys is pleased to partner with researchers and collectors throughout the globe.

Today, online offerings of archival keepsakes are presented in celebration of the times that allow for family, friends and neighbors to join in memorable gatherings that nurture the strong connections that bind a community together. These treasures are affectionately represented by "Saturday's Toys." In that light we present our adopted motto (with a nod to the Sherman Brothers): "Oh, let's go fly a kite!"

We are glad to combine shipping for multiple purchases in order to reduce costs whenever possible.  Simply let us know before processing payment for the items selected and we'll be glad to revise and forward a final invoice to reflect the combined shipping price.

This usually works most effectively when combining flat paper items (postcards, newsletters, ephemera, etc.) but we'll do our best to make any combined purchase provide your best value for shipping.